Editors Note: This article is written by Colleen Ryan as part of our series on finding hope in the midst of depression.  In this series, our counselors are helping people understand the reality of depression and how God sustains and helps those who are depressed. View the Series Page here.

This article describes a seasonal battle with depression and how to respond in wise, biblical, and God-honoring ways.

Fall was turning into winter, and she knew what lay ahead: cold, dark, lonely, long days. She was familiar with the pattern of the changing of seasons because it also triggered a pattern in her life as well. It encompassed sadness, discouragement, and a tendency to isolate. With more time indoors, she also had more time to think about her problems, the difficulties of life, and her unfulfilling job. Relationships continued to be a struggle.

Before long, she felt a well-deserved pity party consuming her mind and heart. In light of all that was going on, wasn’t she allowed to feel this way? Didn’t she have a right to it? Who could deny her that? Yet, even she realized that her pity party wasn’t helping her. It was making things worse.

With spring still several months away, she realized that

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.