Editors Note: This article is written by Theron St. John as part of our series on finding hope in the midst of depression. In this series, our counselors are helping people understand the reality of depression and how God sustains and helps those who are depressed. View the Series Page here.
“These were supposed to be the best years of my life.” John, a 21-year-old college student, sat across from me with a sullen look.
After graduating high school with honors, John anticipated a new season of independence from his parents and the pursuit of a career. Yet, from his arrival on campus, he had problems. The transition from high school to college proved hard for John as the pressures of academics were met with a part-time job to cover expenses. Additionally, he lacked the support system he had at home. His excitement for independence turned into feelings of isolation.
John’s discouragement led him to discontentment with his college experience, which brought him to despair about his place in life. While he had battled depressing thoughts for the first couple of years in college, it was not until he realized he was on the road to destruction that he reached out for
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.