Proud Public Condemnation: Hubris
In the online Christian world, whether in broader Evangelical circles, or in narrower biblical counseling circles, it seems we often have a typical first response to a Christian who disagrees with our view: proud public condemnation. We publicly call the person out, not simply for having a different interpretation, but for being a heretic or a psycho-heretic. We post pejorative labels, quote selective sources, and invite our camp members to pile on.
This is hubris:
The excessive self-confidence that my view is the only right view. The exaggerated sense of self-assurance of the sufficiency of my insight to trump every other perspective. The overconfidence that defies the possibility that someone outside my approved group might see things better than I do. Humble Personal Curiosity: Humility
Instead, what if our first response was humble personal curiosity? For example:
1.) “This person has a long-held reputation as a mature, wise, orthodox thinker. Before I publicly condemn them, I’m going to think long and hard about what I could learn from their perspective on this.”
Or, 2.) “I think I’ll reach out to this person and see if we could interact and learn from each other in
To the full-length post originally published on this site.