One of the privileges we have as Christians is the privilege of caring for one another—of blessing one another in our difficulties and comforting one another in our sorrows. In such “one another” ministry we represent God and extend love and mercy on his behalf. This is a precious and sacred ministry that falls to every believer.

But it is a ministry that can be done well or poorly. Those who are called to heal can sometimes harm and those who are called to soothe sorrows can sometimes aggravate them. From what I have observed, the difference is often in whether people are led by compassion or curiosity.

Imagine a man who has received a terrible wound on his arm. He visits the hospital and the doctor carefully cleans and bandages it. “Keep that dressing on it,” he says, “and make sure your arm remains in a sling.” The man returns home and his friends gladly begin to care for him, doing those tasks his injury otherwise makes impossible. Sure enough, his arm begins the slow process of healing.

But before long another group of friends grows curious and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.