This weeks giveaway is sponsored by 21Five.

Have you heard of 21Five? 21Five is Canada’s newest Christian bookstore curating a collection of the best gospel-centred, God-glorifying books and products. It can be hard to find affordable, Reformed Christian resources, especially when Christian bookstores across Canada are closing their doors. 21Five is able to ship a variety of materials across the country at great prices to help you deepen their faith and embody it in all areas of life. You can shop online at or in person at their physical location in Ancaster (Hamilton), Ontario.

On the road to Easter, 21Five is offering a number of seasonal promotions. Save 10% on their entire Easter collection. Additionally, until April 17, get free Canada-wide shipping on orders of $50 or more (lowered from $75).

Easter Giveaway

For Free Stuff Fridays, 21Five is hosting a book giveaway! Five winners will receive a book of their choosing from 21Five’s Easter collection, as well as a faith-based bookmark.

This contest is for Canadian residents only.

To enter, fill out the form below which automatically subscribes you to 21Five’s monthly e-newsletter. Newsletter subscribers are

To the full-length post originally published on this site.