Almost every system to deal with people’s messes caters to self-defined goals. Whether you want to be happier, calmer, more productive, more disciplined, or less stressed, there are countless self-help resources and professionals with the express purpose of helping you change in the exact ways you desire. We define our own messes, and so we also define our own goals of change.

However, if we are going to follow God’s call to speak the truth in love to one another, we must first clarify what the goal of that love-filled truth is. More specifically, we must make sure that our goal is in line with God’s goal. Thankfully, God has communicated his goal for our ministry clearly and repeatedly in Scripture.

God’s will for our lives as Christians is no secret. His goal for us is not simply that we would have better marriages, be less anxious, be happier, or feel fulfilled (although those are all natural byproducts of his goal). God’s goal for us is that we would become more like Christ. Having reconciled us to himself through Christ, God is in the process of transforming us more and more into his image.

Consequently, God’s goal for our

To the full-length post originally published on this site.