Almost every morning, I go to the local high school to use their indoor track to walk. When the weather is nice then I walk outdoors, but this is Ohio…and it’s winter. Here are three recent podcasts that blessed me this past week.

Remembering George Scipione: A Tribute – This especially blessed me, since George was my ACBC exam grader when I became a certified counselor in 2006 and a teaching fellow in 2012.

Hope + Help for Blind Spots – “What you don’t see can genuinely hurt you, but thankfully we have a Savior who can help us identify our blind spots, forgive our sins, and give us the power and desire to see our blind spots removed.”

Your Phone Is Your Frenemy – “We love how our phones can make us more productive and give us instant access to information, but they can also be profoundly distracting. How can we make our phones useful without being mastered by them?”

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