A quick look at my weather app shows a frigid -14 Celsius out there this morning. Beside it is the “feels like” temperature which accounts for wind and other factors; it is registering at -24. Maybe someone else would like to go out there and carry my trash to the road for pickup?

Today’s Kindle deals include only a handful of books, but there are a couple of important ones, including a volume in the NSBT series and Kidner’s excellent and readable Genesis commentary.

What Is the Meaning of Marriage?

Over the past few years there has been a lot of talk about the meaning of marriage, so it’s not like we don’t know what marriage is all about. Yet I still appreciated Wyatt Graham’s look across the whole Scripture here.

David Means Beloved

I so enjoyed reading this tribute to David Powlison by his wife, Nan. “David was beloved by God. Beloved by his Hawaiian Ohana, beloved by me and our children and grandchildren. He was loved by his colleagues and friends at CCEF and friends all over the world. We all miss David.”


Patterns of Evidence: The

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.