Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection. You’ll find some older ones, plus some new ones like the highly-regarded A Big Gospel in Small Places.

(Yesterday on the blog: What Do Hitmen and Porn Watchers Have in Common?)

Looking For a Church? Here’s What to Look For

Jim Elliff: “My list doesn’t include a gymnasium or a youth group that does a lot of fun things, since the Bible doesn’t require a church to have these amenities. Here are a few items, however, that are absolutely critical for your consideration…”

6 Prayers for Marital Intimacy After Sexual Trauma

Jennifer Greenberg suggests six prayers related to sexual intimacy for those who have experienced some kind of sexual trauma. “Thankfully, God has blessed us with therapists, physicians, and medications that can help us manage depression, anxiety, and other emotional injuries resultant from trauma. Ultimately, though, only God can heal the soul. With that in mind, I’ve composed a series of prayers, in hope that you’ll be able to adapt them to fit your own situation, pray them for a loved one, or share them with a friend in need.”

This Photo Triggered China’s Cultural Revolution

It’s strange but true that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.