by Tim Sullivan


Jason’s main goal in life was to make his mother miserable. His parents divorced when he was nine-years-old, and Jason blamed his mom for all of the hurt and pain he felt; he wanted to inflict as much pain on her as possible. But Jason’s mom wasn’t the only person to experience his wrath. As Jason continued through elementary school, he left a trail of wounded people wherever he went. Jason tortured his teachers with verbal insults. He spent more time missing out on recess than he did on the playground with his friends. His teachers looked forward to the day he would move on to high school. Jason was both verbally and physically violent, always fighting. It seemed as though he had a black belt in verbal abuse. Jason had no desire to listen to authority figures. He progressively became more consumed with himself. At age twelve, Jason was introduced to pornography by a neighbor friend; he quickly became addicted. Jason’s heart rapidly filled with violence, hate, abuse, and lust. Jason was a fool.

Imagine you meet Jason when he is in his thirties and he has children of his own.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.