I had a very enjoyable weekend here in Littleton, Colorado, and was blessed to meet so many of you. And now all that remains is for me to make the homeward journey!

Today’s Kindle deals include Andrew Peterson’s Adorning the Dark, which many people considered their favorite book of 2019.

One of the Most Misused Words Today

If you had to think Christianly about all of the words that are most misused today, you probably wouldn’t have much trouble coming up with this one.

How the Coronavirus Revealed Authoritarianism’s Fatal Flaw

The Atlantic reports on how the coronavirus revealed a flaw that almost always exists within authoritarian regimes. “How did Xi Jinping—the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, who has been consolidating his power since taking over the post in 2012—let things get to this point? It might be that he didn’t fully know what was happening in his own country until it was too late.” (Also, check out this fascinating visualization of the decline of air travel due to the virus.)

What You Should Know about Polygamy in America

It comes as no surprise that there is a movement afoot to decriminalize polygamy. Joe Carter explains

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.