Today’s Kindle deals include a lot of shorter books. (Pro tip: One of the ways you read many books in a year is to ensure that some of them are shorter books; it’s not cheating!)

Logos users, don’t forget that individual volumes in the excellent NIC commentary series are on sale for just $19.99. That sale ends very soon.

Seven Questions to Ask in Evaluating Online Pundits

Kevin DeYoung knocks this one out of the park. “One of the best things about the internet is that anyone can state his opinion about anything. And one of the worst things about the internet is that anyone can state his opinion about anything. The digital revolution has made knowledge more accessible, the flow of information more diverse, and the ability to make your voice heard easier than ever. The same revolution has also made invincible ignorance more sustainable, pervasive crankery more common, and the ability to discern what voices are worth listening to harder than ever.”

Engaging a Viral Interview with N. T. Wright about Women in Ministry

The thorough title of the article aptly describes what it’s all about. “Game over, right? Well actually, game not over. Not even

To the full-length post originally published on this site.