As I tell people about the round-the-world journey that led to the forthcoming book and DVD Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History (please pre-order it now!), the most common question I get is this: What was your favorite place? Obviously I got to see and experience a lot as I traveled 24 countries across 6 continents. I saw so much of the world, so many of its beauties, and so many of its treasures. In all that I saw, what stood out the most?

I suppose the answer probably varies a little day-by-day but almost every time I find myself drawn back to southern India and Dohnavur Fellowship where missionary Amy Carmichael lived out the great majority of her life. I had already traveled through Northern Ireland to see her home town, to see the church she founded as a young lady, and to read through her precious, marked-up Bible.

And then it was off to India where we traveled to the country’s southernmost tip. From there we drove inland a couple of hours until we arrived at the gates of Dohnavur Fellowship. Though it had been founded over a century before, and though its founder had

To the full-length post originally published on this site.