Conferences tend to come in seasons, with the great majority grouped in the spring and fall. While there are some exceptions, it is quite rare to see a Christian conference very early in the year, very late in the year, or around the same time as vacations and holidays. Glance at a calendar and you’ll see that we are just now entering into prime season. Over the next few months there will be hundreds of conferences large and small. And, as it happens, they are coming during a time of some uncertainty about the wisdom of traveling and gathering. They are coming during a time when it seems likely we are facing a true pandemic.

You’d have to be living under a rock to not have heard about coronavirus COVID-19 which began in China and has since made its way to every continent save Antarctica. You’ve likely heard some people speak about it as if it’s an existential threat to humanity, and others speak about it as if it’s no more noteworthy than the common cold. I think the majority of us are somewhere between those extremes. Most are keeping a wary eye on it and, for now,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.