Over the past few years I’ve had a number of opportunities to interact with Pastor Andrea Artioli who pastors Chiesa Sola Grazia in Mantua, Italy. His recent newsletter told that he lives in the “hot zone” of the coronavirus outbreak in Northern Italy. He told as well that his church has been instructed by local authorities that it may not meet for at least the next two weeks. I thought it might prove interesting to ask him a few questions about his experience.

Tell me a little about yourself, your family, and your church.

My name is Andrea Artioli. I am 52, married to Emanuela since 1993, and we have 3 red-head children. I was raised Catholic and after my parents divorced, my mom and I met some believers from a Brethren Church (the only evangelical church in Mantua in the whole province of 250,000 people in the 70s). Italy has less than 1% of evangelicals and we never had Reformation or Revival. Italians are very hostile to the gospel, specially in the North. I studied at London Theological Seminary (Martyn Lloyd-Jones). After seminary, by faith, we started the first Reformed publishing house in Italy and since then our

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.