by Scott Mehl

Have you ever seen someone change without the gospel? People do it all the time. They discover a new diet or decide to turn over a new leaf, and significant change absolutely takes place. Maybe they lose 20, 40, or 100 lbs.  Maybe they stop drinking and begin to spend more time with their kids. Maybe they discover a new hobby that brings them joy and meaning. Maybe they enter into a new, exciting relationship, or get out of a toxic one. People change every day. And they do it without the power of the gospel.

Not only that, but there are countless Christians that change every day without the power of the gospel too. It shouldn’t surprise us that people can change without the power of the gospel. As image-bearers of God, he has given all of us the ability to shift and change as a part of our humanity. The big question, however, is “change into what?” While all humans have the capacity to change their behavior, change their thoughts, and even change their emotions, the only thing all humans have the capacity to change into is someone who is a little more like the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.