“My orders are to fight; Then if I bleed, or fail,

Or strongly win, what matters it? God only doth prevail.

The servant craveth naught Except to serve with might.

I was not told to win or lose—my orders are to fight.”

–Ethelwyn Wetherald

It was around eleven o’clock, and I knew I should go to bed, but my husband was out of town, and I felt uneasy. No matter that my mother lived in our basement apartment, and our house was nestled in what was generally a quiet community, tonight, the responsibility of holding the fort hung a little heavier.


A party was underway at the house kitty-corner to us (also known as caddy-corner). Anyway, the house on the corner diagonally across from us was home to a hardworking single mom and her teenage son. Tonight, while mom was at work, her son had apparently decided to invite over a few friends. 


As the evening wore on, the noise escalated. Turning out the lights and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.