Emily. Relinquishing Control.

Emily,[*] a young mom of three, was semi-faithful at completing her counseling homework, but after seven weeks of counseling, she showed few signs of progress and continued to argue with her spouse. We discussed these arguments in counseling, seeking to solve the issue by investigating and reforming her view of God. A recurring theme in her life, seeking control, revealed itself in session after session. As her counselor, I began to have nagging doubts about Emily’s salvation. Her husband, Mike, raised the topic at home, and I was surprised when Emily was not offended by this; so we discussed the possibility that she may not be saved. Emily said she had talked about it with Mike several times and concluded she was saved. As our sessions continued, Emily remained “stuck.” So I shifted my focus to the causes of her lack of progress.

Since we had already discussed the topic of her salvation more than once, I was hesitant to bring it up again. Instead of asking her directly, I gave her some homework hoping that the Holy Spirit might use the assignment to generate the discussion organically. As homework, Emily read Matthew 5-7 and listed the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.