This Coronavirus Pandemic has brought the fear of dying to the forefront for so many! Death is scary for most, terrifying for some, but longed for by others! Why do we all have such differing and even conflicting views of death? And what is God’s perspective?

To start with, God hates death and values death! Psalm 116: 15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” He values it for those of us who will spend eternity with Him. But He hates what death has done to his marvelous creation.

With sin came death and suffering. Death is the penalty of sin, but Christ took that penalty for us that we might be restored to eternal life. This required suffering and death for the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:16). Jesus conquered death through his resurrection! We conquer death by trusting that finished work on the cross and trusting Christ as Savior!

Death for the unbeliever is Hell, eternal punishment. Death for the believer is freedom, passing from this temporal body of death to our eternal state with a glorified body and no more death or suffering. Death for the believer, then, is the gateway into

To the full-length post originally published on this site.