Difficult times often provoke special generosity. That has proven the case with many Christian ministries and businesses in these difficult and uncertain days. Here is some of the free or discounted material that has been made available. (Feel free to leave a Facebook comment if you know of material I’ve missed and I’ll update accordingly.)

Ligonier Ministries

Ligonier Ministries has opened up their collection of teaching series, which represents something like 2,500 lectures. They’ve also added 20+ teaching series to Amazon Prime and unlocked the group study feature at Ligonier Connect so you can take courses with others.


Zondervan is offering two weeks to explore their MasterLectures series for free. Then, if you use code TIMCHALLIES you’ll get 50% off the first three months. I have put together a list of courses I recommend. My family is currently watching Greg Koukl’s The Story of Reality and enjoying it.


Lifeway is offering free digital curriculum for many of their most popular products, including The Gospel Project, which we use at our church (click here to see why we use it).


Crossway is offering free access to their ESV.org basic subscription plan to all users through May

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.