When the Lord looked down and saw that I might need a little female help to withstand three male siblings, He graciously sent me a sister. From the start, she has been a gift, not just to me but to all who meet her. I know you will be blessed to read this post, written by my baby sister and best friend, Susan Porter Smith.

Like a photo in my mind, I can still see the flames dancing against the black sky. 

I stood with my nose pressed against the cold picture window. “Will my daddy be all right?  As the pastor’s family, we lived right across the street, so I had a front-row view of our church burning. Undoubtedly, my father was standing at a safe distance, watching while the firemen battled the flames, but my childish mind could not comprehend that. I was terrified. I cannot begin to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.