I am probably not the only one succumbing to necessity and beginning to search YouTube for “how to cut your own hair.” The government has warned it could be a long time before non-essential businesses like barbers are allowed to open again…

Today’s Kindle deals include some really good options, including D.A. Carson’s The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, a massive book that is usually very expensive.

Reformation Heritage Books has a good deal on my new book and documentary: Book, DVD, combo.

(Yesterday on the blog: Watch a Free Episode of “Epic”)

Fighting the Temptations of Successful Leadership

Any leader is prone to the temptations that come with success. “Other battles in life might grow easier, and other realities of age let you slow down. But not the fight for humility. If you would presume to continue leading a church or other ministry over decades, your fight must not slacken, but increase. Don’t be like David or his son Solomon. Both were godly and talented men. But both grew complacent with age, to the hurt of their nation.”

7 Ways Our World Has Changed, But God Hasn’t

Even when so much has changed, the most important

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.