Some have asked how the book launch went this week. To be honest, I don’t really know, though I think it went well enough. What I do know is that if you got it, read or watched it, enjoyed it, and feel up to it, reviews on Amazon always help the cause.

Once again, there’s a huge list of Kindle deals to look through. Many of them are tipped toward the academic reader. Also, you may want to visit this page where you’ll find a lot of general market one-day deals on non-fiction.

Jason Meyer’s Don’t Lose Heart: Gospel Hope for the Discouraged Soul is free this month from Christian Audio. Meanwhile, Logos is offering 30% off all base packages.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Family Update)

Encouragement from Alistair Begg in Difficult Times

Alistair Begg is regularly providing short videos of encouragement for these difficult times.

Digitally Reconstructed Medieval Castles

How neat! “Europe is known for its magnificent castles and fortresses, but only a few survive in their original form. Since reconstructing them would be financially impossible and culturally abhorrent, a London-based creative agency named NeoMam Studios have decided to digitally restore them to their prime. Using

To the full-length post originally published on this site.