John Piper has released a new book titled Coronavirus and Christ which is free to download in various formats.

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of good material, including John Murray’s must-read Redemption Accomplished and Applied.

Westminster is featuring my Epic this week! And unlike Amazon, they are shipping right away.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for April 2020)

Is Jesus Weeping for Us in Heaven?

Kevin DeYoung: “The Suffering Servant we celebrate this week was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief (Isa. 53:3). Jesus was born that he might die (Matt. 1:21). His knew suffering throughout his life–scourged with the whip, sweating drops of blood, and mourning in the face of death. ‘Jesus wept’ is not just the shortest verse in the Bible (John 11:35), it’s one of the most profound statements of Christ’s humanity. But the exalted Christ who cried over Lazarus is not crying at the right hand of God. Jesus does not continue to weep in heaven, and that is the good news we need.”

‘Contact Tracing’ Could Free America From Its Quarantine Nightmare

Could “contact tracing” be key to freeing us

To the full-length post originally published on this site.