There isn’t much to tell you about Kindle deals or other sales today, so we will just move on to the links (though, to be fair, there are a couple of really good kids’ books on the Kindle list).

(Yesterday on the blog: Why Our Church Is Only Sort Of Streaming Our Services)

Face to Face

Matthew Hosier asks, “How much are we going to come to regret the phrase ‘social distancing’?” It’s amazing to me how quickly we adapted to the idea of walking wide circles around one another, and wonder what it will take to go back to the old way.

Do We Really Want to Go Back to Normal?

In a somewhat similar vein, Trevin Wax is asking about the new normal. “But the truth is, whatever will become “normal” on the other side of the coronavirus crisis will not be the old normal. It will be something new. We are not going back. So here’s the question I hope we will begin to ask instead: Do we really want to go back to normal? Was the old normal good? Were we really flourishing in the old normal? Was the old normal spiritually healthy?” (See also: Will

To the full-length post originally published on this site.