If we were not in a time of pandemic, I’d be heading south today to spend Easter weekend with my family! The thought of it makes me wonder how much longer it will be before anything like normal travel resumes.

Today’s Kindle deals are rather diverse, crossing a number of different genres and authors (Stott, Mohler, Reeves, etc).

Healing and Hope

Sophia Lee reports on three families that have had (or are having) experiences with COVID-19. She finds hope.

Don’t Forget To Remember

You’ll enjoy benefit from this special coronavirus message from Steve Brown.

A Strong Conscience or Immaturity?

This is a good article and a strong challenge from Sam Parkison. “Maybe we’re fooling ourselves with all our talk of exegeting the culture. Maybe what’s really happening is not cultural engagement, but just good ‘ol fashioned cultural assimilation. Maybe we’re not thinking about running our race with intensity because we are entangled by unnecessary weight (Heb 12:1). Maybe a dogged desire to please the Lord with a critical economy of time isn’t works-righteousness, but simple worshipful adoration. Maybe an insatiable thirst for Christ will create an earnestness that compels us to consume entertainment differently.”

100 Days that Changed

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.