We never know when times of crisis will come.  No one could have ever predicted what 2020 would hold for us.  However, most times of crisis don’t come in the form of a global pandemic.  They are more often experienced more locally.  Think about these fairly common crisis situations that you may face as a leader. 

A church building experiences a natural disaster that makes it uninhabitable for months ahead.Two local teens are killed in a car accident and now the local high school and community are grieving the unexpected loss.A prominent church member is arrested and rumors flying around the community are that he had been involved in a domestic battery situation.A young adult in your town is found dead, the community is in shock as the gruesome details filter out and arrests are made.A father leaves his wife and five children after being confronted about an adulterous affair, claiming he can’t deal with the pressure his family put on him.   

Many churches and leaders have never prepared themselves or their organization to handle a crisis effectively.  When they aren’t prepared to care in a crisis, their organization and their people are at a greater risk.

Mishandled crisis situations

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.