Today’s Kindle deals include a few books and bios.

If you live in Canada, you may want to take a look at Reformed Book Services. They are one of those booksellers that only carry good books; they are offering 20% off all products and free shipping after $100.

Maturity Changes Our Desires

Stephen Kneale uses our changing tastes over life as a helpful metaphor for our growing longing for heaven. “What we loved as children we may not care for anymore. What we had no interest in as kids we can’t get enough of now.”

Some Thoughts on Christian Civil Disobedience

There has been a fair bit of talk lately about whether or not this is a time for Christian civil disobedience. “In the midst of this pandemic many Christians are wondering if we’re living in such a time that may require us to be faithful to God at the expense of obeying the law — we’re living in a time where Christians are examining the subject of civil disobedience. That’s because many state governments have put restrictions on public worship, and have enforced those restrictions through the threat of civil punishment. What Christians did with ease only

To the full-length post originally published on this site.