If you are living in a broken world that is not functioning as designed, and if you are living as a sinner among sinners, then there is no situation, location, or relationship where ministry is not required. You are constantly confronted with spiritual need of some kind. Therefore, it simply cannot work to define ministry as something your church leaders design, program, and schedule.

In biblical terms, ministry is not about a time or place. It is a heartfelt willingness to respond to the spiritual need that God puts in my path, anytime, anyplace. This certainly includes participation in what my church schedules, but it must be far more. I must view every dimension of my life as a forum for ministry.

Marriage is ministry. Parenting is ministry. Friendship is ministry. Living with neighbors is ministry. Work is ministry. Life is ministry.

A ministry mentality changes your perspective on life. It tells you that every time your eyes see or your ears hear the sin and weakness of your children, it is an act of God’s grace—always grace. God loves your children and has put them in a family of faith: your family. In his restorative zeal, he will expose

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.