Sorting through hundreds of blog posts yesterday to select the few I would recommend in A La Carte, I was struck by how thankful I am for all of the Christian bloggers who faithfully write material for you and me, usually for nothing more than the satisfaction of serving the church.

Today’s Kindle deals include some books by Beeke, Keller, MacArthur, and others.

(Yesterday on the blog: Here Is Christian Encouragement From All Over the World)

Tactile Religion in a Time of Pandemic

Thomas Kidd writes about the tactile nature of the Christian faith and how certain changes may follow this pandemic. “Whenever we are able to go back to some sort of normalcy, I don’t see those contact rituals coming back until an effective COVID-19 vaccine is available (sometime in 2021, Lord willing). That will mean that church will remain strange, because tactile religion is such a common feature of Christianity that we don’t notice it until it is gone.”

Why Is Sex So Complicated?

Bruce Ashford: “If there’s one thing about sex just about everyone can agree on, it’s that sex is complicated. But complicated doesn’t mean (as some assume) that sex is bad. Quite the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.