The biblical goal of Christian leadership is the glory of God radiating from a local church. But what’s the best way to accomplish this? What tools do we have at our disposal?

The “nine marks” are unquestionably important. But the essential tool, the one we cannot do without, is usually assumed— and all the powers of the world, the flesh, and the devil are ever mobilized to destroy it. What is it?

The most potent weapon every spiritual leader possesses is the depth of his or her relationship with God. With the lockdown of church and social gatherings, now is a good time to reflect on our spiritual disciplines.

We often make the mistake of assuming its presence and vitality. After all, what else but hunger for God would motivate a person to be in the ministry? Therefore, we hold Christian leaders accountable for their marriage, their parenting, and their sexual purity, but seldom their spiritual disciplines.

A pastor recently described his devotional life this way. “I spend fifteen minutes reading the Bible every morning.”

Another told me, “I know it’s not what it should be. I’ve gotten out of the habit. It needs to change. I need help.”


To the full-length post originally published on this site.