This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by The Disciple-Making Parent who also sponsored the blog this week. Five packages of parenting resources are being given away.

Our greatest hope is that our children and grandchildren know the Lord personally. After all, what is more, important than their souls? These resources may be helpful as you seek to disciple them in the faith.

Parenting with Patience Video Bible Study  

Anger is an all too common occurrence in our homes. It can destroy our witness to our children. But there is hope! You can grow in patience.

Parenting with Patience is a 5-week, video-driven Bible study designed to help you dig deeper into scriptural truths and help you change.

In this study you will discover:

Foundational biblical teaching to understand what drives your anger. How anger is both a friend and a foe, and how it will motivate you to change. Seven parenting principles to help you see your situation differently. An anger journal template that will guide you toward real changes in your behavior. Twenty-five devotional studies to help you dig deeper into God’s Word.


Online streaming videos to help you understand this

To the full-length post originally published on this site.