Our Father, we are so thankful that you are a God who loves. In fact, you are not just a God who loves, but a God who is love. For you, love is not merely something you do, but it is who you are. To be God is to be love, to be the very source the very fountain of love. For all eternity, you have existed in a relationship of love with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit loving one another wholly and perfectly. What a joy it is for us to know that you created us so we could enter into your love. And what a blessing it is for us to know that even though we rejected that love, you sent Jesus to do the most loving thing possible, which was to die for us and in that way to win us back to yourself, to make us once again lovers of God. And we do love you.

Father, we love you. Son, we love you. Holy Spirit, we love you. Triune God, we love you. We know we love you because we have been loved by you. So we say with the hymn writer, “O

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.