I’m assuming, at this point, that the COVID 19 pandemic will be like 9/11: the details of living through it will be forever imprinted in our memories and the very way we do life will be altered. Obviously, our chief concern right now needs to be loving our neighbors by washing our hands, keeping physical distance from others and such, as well as running to our Lord with the anxieties that weigh on our hearts.

But I think it’s also a good moment to look down the road a bit at some likely changes to our world and let that knowledge impact the way we live today. Specifically, I suspect that our use of video communication and other forms of digital interaction, both for work and for engaging with family and friends, will never be the same. Once forced to work from home, employees will want to keep some of the benefits of the flexibility it offers (and will notice that sometimes remote work is actually more productive with no one dropping by your cubicle) and church members will want to keep the option of attending services, in bathrobes, from the couch. On the other hand, once cut off from

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.