Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of high-quality books! I have also included some general market historical works that are on sale.

(Yesterday on the blog: 8 Ways Temptation Actually Works for Our Good)

Navigating Different COVID-19 Recovery Convictions

Costi Hinn writes about some of the interpersonal complexities that may come when churches are given the green light to re-open. “If there is one word to describe how we must navigate re-assimilation amid COVID-19, it’s this: grace.”

Can You Sing an AI Generated Song in Worship?

Modern technology brings a lot of questions that would have been indecipherable to earlier generations. Like this: Would you sing a hymn or worship song that had been generated by AI?

Why Is an Empty Shampoo Bottle So Easy to Knock Over? (Video)

Here is a rational and scientific explanation for something we’ve all observed—that we just can’t help but knock over a nearly-empty shampoo bottle.

After COVID, Is The Buffet Yesterday’s Leftovers?

I have wondered whether buffets will survive the pandemic. “But even if this ends in a month or two and a few people venture back in, will it be a critical mass to make the business model work?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.