If you’re reading this, you’re likely not live-streaming weekly church services during this pandemic-prompted lockdown. If that’s you, my point here is simply to encourage you with some practical counsel. We’re all stumbling through unmapped territory here. I claim no monopoly on wisdom. Nevertheless, in hope of offering some small help, here are four brief suggestions.

1. Consider other ways to guide and inform your members’ devotional lives.

Our senior pastor, Mark, is picking a passage of Scripture each week that he’s encouraging our members to meditate on throughout the week. And, on Sundays, he’s encouraging everyone to listen to the sermon on that passage from our online archive. This practice has provided some helpful unity for our members’ devotional lives. Members often discuss the passage on the phone or in their electronically mediated small groups.

2. Consider how else you can edify and instruct your people throughout the week.

Mark has been writing daily letters that begin by reflecting on the week’s passage, and then shares personal updates, prayer requests from the congregation and our supported workers, pastoral counsel, and more. I’ve been writing weekly letters of a generally more expository flavor, briefly working through particularly timely passages

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.