I think this is going to be my last word in this latest flare-up of this Gospel-Kingdom-Justification conversation, and I’ll try to keep it brief. Scot and Matthew may very well respond again, even to this post. If so, I’ll read their responses, but I’m happy to leave the last word to them. Honestly, I think this conversation has become tainted by the overly personal in some unhelpful ways. I love a good-faith biblical and theological debate as much as anyone, but this one has devolved into every question or challenge I offer being categorized as “misrepresentation,” and intentional and even deceitful misrepresentation at that. That kind of thing makes for a lot of heat but very little light.  

I do not believe that I have misrepresented Scot or Matthew. I certainly have not intentionally done so. I’ve just tried to point out several ways I see their teaching on this matter contradicting not only Scripture, but sometimes, it seems to me, even their own writings. I’ve tried to get clarity on whether each of them stands by the statement that when Paul defines the gospel, it contains “not a word about atonement, not a word about salvation, not one

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.