Editor’s note: We asked pastors how they’d been serving their non-Christian neighbors since the pandemic disrupted regular ministry. This list will be updated as more ideas come in.

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By Joel Kurz, pastor of the Garden Church in Baltimore

Even during a pandemic, we must remember that our lost friends and neighbors can’t believe a gospel they’ve never heard: “How shall they hear without a preacher?” (Rom. 10:14).

To this end, during the pandemic our church has been inviting friends and neighbors to join us for Christianity Explainedonline. Christianity Explained is a six-session evangelism curriculum I’ve used in one-to-one personal evangelism for years. I’ve now taken it to Zoom. I created an Eventbrite page for registration. I used an app on my phone called “Typorama” to create a simple flyer. Then I promoted it on social media and sent the promotion to non-Christian friends and neighbors.

Additionally, I encouraged church members to invite their lost friends and family, join the call, and use it as a conversation starter to strengthen their own evangelism. It’s a no-pressure, conversational explanation of what Christianity is all about. On Zoom, I use “white board” to teach and screen share Bible gateway. Teaching

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.