We crossed the road from Rawsonville Elementary to Nelson’s IGA, bouncing and twirling—happy to be out of school. It was a perfect fall day, and as we walked home, report cards in hand, my brother Billy grabbed and opened my card. Turning around, he exclaimed, “Wow! My sister got straight As!”
Taking the card away from him, I looked closely at it to see why that was so amazing. Gazing at the row of As printed firmly in Mrs. Gale’s writing, I wondered what was wrong with my brother’s eyesight. Those As were not straight. I mean, they were pretty good, but they were absolutely not straight.
It was evident to me that Mrs. Gale needed to work on that.
“Not many of you should become teachers,” James 3:1 says, “for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
True that.
It was sometime in the fourth grade when
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.