I was meant to write the final post today based on Thomas Watson’s All Things For Good, but I won’t be doing that since I’m taking a week away from (most) typing. But I hope you finished it and enjoyed it!

Today’s Kindle deals include a list of books for women.

The Final Enemy

Carl Trueman’s reflection on death is long but rewarding. “Death is thus both inevitable and terrible. It is a merciless foe. It deprives us of our loved ones and eventually will take us, too. Most of us respond to it with acts of denial—denial of the radical finality of death, of the inevitability of death, of the sovereignty of death.”

Am I Cursed? (Video)

Depending on your cultural background, you may find yourself grappling with the matter of curses during times of loss or failure. In this video Conrad Mbewe provides a biblical assessment of curses.

Every Breath

I enjoyed this reflection on our fleeting breaths.

Covid 19 & Biblical Balance

Bryan Schneider has a level-headed call for balance in this article. “We cannot pit life against livelihood. We cannot say, ‘If you care about life you don’t care about livelihood.’ Nor can one

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.