A Lesson from Sailing 

About 20 years ago, my family attended a summer camp where my husband, John, was the speaker. At one point in the week, we had a sailing lesson. When it was my turn to take the tiller, the instructor told me to just keep the sailboat heading between two islands in the distance. They seemed like clear and simple instructions. But there was wind. And waves. And there were other sailboats trying to navigate through the bay, and there were power boats pulling water skiers. I was distracted and intimidated by all that was going on around me, and before long I heard the instructor yelling, “Meg, stay the course!” I had veered off by about 45 degrees!  

In these days of unforeseen circumstances, I again find myself navigating distracting and intimidating waters. I watch the news and wonder, “What if the pandemic gets me? Or my husband? Or my children? What if they lose their jobs? What if…” How am I to order my thinking about an uncertain future?  

Our Aim 

God has spoken. 
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.