Expositional preaching should be the regular teaching diet of a congregation. In many immigrant churches, however, topical sermons often dominate the pulpit. From messages on stewardship for a building project to character studies highlighting various virtues to exhortations regarding Christian service in the church to evangelistic messages for the unsaved—immigrant churches’ pulpits are often steered by the felt needs of the moment. To be sure, there’s a time and place for topical sermons, but they shouldn’t make up the bulk of any church’s diet.

If you’re the main preacher in an immigrant church, how can you move your people to love expository preaching? Consider these five practical suggestions.

1. Prepare the leaders.

If you have elders, deacons, or some young men you are training, it may helpful to start a discussion about expository preaching in your elder or leadership meetings. Some immigrants may think that expository preaching is an “American” or “Western” way of teaching that may be “too boring” or “too intellectual.” Others may be skeptical because they may think you’re just following the latest trend of your favorite preacher or podcast.

To counteract this, perhaps read a book on expository preaching with your leaders. There

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.