There are a few new Kindle deals today. You know how it goes…

(Yesterday on the blog: Stuck in the Mire of Our Love for this World)

9 Things You Should Know About Buddhism

If you’re not familiar with the tenets of Buddhism, this article by Joe Carter may prove educational. He also suggests a few ways Christians can share the gospel with Buddhists.

How Amazon Tried To Get Shoppers To Buy Less So It Could Catch Up (Video)

I don’t know if you noticed, but Amazon recently removed many of their upsell features to try to do the unthinkable—get you to buy less!

How Baptism Changes Our Status

Here’s Tim Chester: “Baptism is ‘just’ a symbolic act. But symbolic acts can be very powerful. These ‘mere’ signs can change reality when they take place in the context of the community of faith. They are ‘just’ symbols. But symbols have power. They can transform our status.”

Credit Card Companies Are Tracking Shoppers Like Never Before

You can’t help but wonder how we will feel some day about all the privacy we gave up through our shopping habits. “But to understand shopping behavior with certainty, you need credit card

To the full-length post originally published on this site.