Dale Johnson: Once again for the month of May I have with me Dr. Sam Stephens, who is the Director of Training Center Certification here at ACBC. Sam, this topic is an area of interest for both you and I—to study the world of secular psychology and try to understand some of the vain philosophies that have been impacting the church, both from a modern perspective and also a historical perspective. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and our last two weeks on the podcast, we’ve been discussing ideas and topics within this realm. This week we turn our attention specifically to the definition of mental illness. This term is used quite frequently when talking about diagnoses from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The term mental disorder is also used frequently.

I really want us this week to hone in on those terms, to understand how misconstrued those terms are, what misconceptions we have especially among the common culture. I want to see what we can do to expose what reality is relative to the definition. To start, I’m going to read the definition from the DSM (this is the what we’ve been talking about previously

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.