I occasionally suffer from migraine headaches that are pretty brutal. Do I know where they come from? Yep. When I hunch over a desk, a computer, or a book for a long time it causes strain on my upper neck that will trigger eye spasms and my entire skull becoming a cramped mass of pain.

Strangely enough, I still find myself instinctively slumping forward every day. Why? If I intellectually know how to sit better and know how to keep myself from headaches, why wouldn’t I just automatically break the habit of slouching, start sitting straight, shoulders back, and do what my doctor, chiropractor, and my own mother have been telling me to do for years? The fact is, intellectual knowledge alone will never change me or stop my migraines. Knowing is a starting point, but it’s never enough.

Information is Not our Problem

We know sin is destructive. We know it causes us pain and that God is displeased. So we seek information. We read books, go to friends, pastors, read blogs (like this one), and may even seek counseling. We’re trying to find some fresh bit of missing data that will motivate us to change. We place enormous

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.