This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Is Genesis History? who also sponsored the blog this week. Five ‘Complete Creation Bundles & Conference Sets’ are being given away with over 150 videos in each.

A lot of people watch our film Is Genesis History? and are amazed at how many areas of science and scholarship support the history recorded in Genesis. But it’s a lot to take in at one sitting. Many people end up with more questions than they started with, primarily because they were introduced to so many new topics.

We actually intended that. The documentary film is just an introduction to the incredible world of creation science. To truly understand the science behind Genesis, however, we created a complete series of products that dig much deeper into all the areas introduced in the film.


This study complements the film Is Genesis History? by looking at six key doctrines introduced in the first chapters of Genesis. These doctrines are related to the gospel and are important to understanding the nature of our salvation.

After all, Genesis records the foundational events in the history of the world. Jesus Himself was there at

To the full-length post originally published on this site.