Yesterday, we began thinking about the fruit of faithfulness. Before applying it too much to ourselves, as a fruit of the Spirit, we took note of God’s faithfulness, as well as defined this character quality. Here’s our definition:

Defining Faithfulness

Faithfulness is such a rich concept that it will be helpful to consider a 3-part definition.

Faithfulness is the steady quality of being trustworthy, loyal, and dependable.It flows from personal integrity, and is governed by personal faith in Christ.A faithful person endures hardship and can be counted on as true and reliable.

In 1 Corinthians 4:1-5, God tells us that He judges us on the basis of faithfulness. He does this by revealing two important truths.

Faithfulness is God’s expectation for servants of Christ (1 Cor. 4:1-2).

Paul makes it clear in these verses that God viewed him and his coworkers in two ways: as servants and stewards.  

We are servants of Christ. The word “servants” (hyperetes) means “under-rowers” and refers to the ones who rowed in the lower part of a ship. These were the ones who worked in the stinky part of the ship and were most unnoticed by others. The word was later used of domestic workers,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.