I have friends in Slovenia who are missionaries and they had something truly sad to report about their church. They said they have begun to meet again after being shut in from the virus but some of their church members have contacted them and said they would not be attending services because they were feeling too sad. They were either too depressed and discouraged to attend or were not ready to go out into the world again just yet. As the Psalmist says in Psalm 42, their soul is “cast down.”My guess is that this is just one example of many. COVID has taken a tole on many people financially, mentally and spiritually.

Here in Ozark, Missouri Spring 2020 has not only had us shut in for weeks at a time but it has been unusually rainy this year. The shelter in place order and this long introduction to Spring may have you feeling cast down in your soul as well. If you can relate to this I just want you to know I’m right there with you, this has been a struggle at times for me too.

In Psalms 42 and 43 David talks about a time when he

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