Human beings have the ability to speak because we have been made in the image of the speaking God. The great majority of us live in societies in which we enjoy the privilege of free speech, but this privilege is not universal, and neither is it guaranteed by God. This quote from Luke Davis’s True Hope: A Concise Journey Through Christian Ethics shows that we ought to have a higher interest than free speech.

God is more interested in your speech and your communication being faithful than free. For one reason: Not every Christian lives in a free society. A number of believers inhabit oppressive nations like North Korea, China, Turkey, Vietnam and others, where they do not have the benefits of free expression but always are under the biblical directive to obey Christ with what they say. Another reason is that God gives us different parameters for judging the quality of our words.

(1) Is what I say true? That is, does it match with reality? The Apostle Paul urges Christians to emphasize ‘whatever is true… honorable… just… pure… lovely… commendable’ (Phil. 4:8). As a follower of Jesus, you do not get to pop words out of your

To the full-length post originally published on this site.