Today’s Kindle deals include more commentaries. Among them is Waltke’s excellent volume on Genesis.

Those who know Greek will want to check out the new Greek Scripture Journals from Crossway, on sale this week at Westminster Books.

Tend Your Own Garden

Garden, of course, is metaphorical. “I read my Bible and I prayed. I prayed for my neighbors and for my world. But as I did, I was also reminded that I can’t change the whole world everyday. Every single day doesn’t extend me an opportunity to impact the whole world. But every single day I have an opportunity to impact the five other people who live in my house. I can tend my own garden.”

The Power of Reading … Slowly

Sometimes (often) it is good to read slowly. Here’s Tony Payne: “On the whole, hastiness isn’t a very healthy thing in the Bible. The feet of the wicked always seem to be hastening off after their latest wicked plan (Prov 6:18). In fact, hastening off after anything that you desire isn’t a good idea and usually results in getting lost (Prov 19:2). And of course, the man who is hasty in his words? “There is more

To the full-length post originally published on this site.